Ventura Gómez Rodríguez

Nace en Mairena del Alcor, provincia de Sevilla, el 12 de noviembre de 1973. Desde pequeño siente vocación por las artes plásticas .Tras sus estudios de bachillerato, ejerce otros trabajos en talleres de carpintería en madera y en cerrajería artística. Simultaneo a estos quehaceres, realiza para su hermandad en el año 1993 dos arcángeles para el paso de la Cruz de Mayo. Es en esta fecha cuando conoce a la persona que será su maestro, Don Luís Álvarez Duarte. En 1993 empieza a recibir enseñanzas del maestro, por el cual decide dedicarse plenamente a la escultura e imaginería, a partir de este momento simultáneo a su aprendizaje cuando comienza a realizar sus primeros encargos.

Ha participado en diversas exposiciones de escultura e imagineria organizadas en su pueblo natal, Mairena del Alcor, y también organizadas por el centro de investigación de la imaginería en Espartinas, Olivares, Jaén y en Viena, Austria.

Actualmente aparte de su dedicación a la escultura e imaginería, cursa estudios de Historia del Arte en la Universidad de Sevilla.

Ventura Gómez Rodríguez

Ventura was born in Mairena del Alcor, Seville, Spain on November 12, 1973. He received his general education in his home town at Isabel Esquivel (The Castle) and his high school education at Instituto de Bachillerato los Alcores.

Ever since he was a young child he has felt a vocation for manual arts and with a special predilection for religious sculpture (Imagineria), due to his upbringing in the Brotherhood of the Vera-Cruz (True Cross) of Mairena del Alcor. For that reason from early on he’s felt the desire to create statues and icons out of clay.

After high school Ventura began to work as a carpenter and an artistic ironsmith. While working as an ironsmith, he created two archangels for the May Cross float for his Brotherhood in 1993. It was this date that he met the man who would be his mentor, Don Luis Alvarez Duarte. In 1993 he began his apprenticeship and therefore decided to dedicate himself to sculpture. It was also at this time that he began working on his first paid works of art.

Ventura has participated in various sculpture expositions organized in his hometown, Mairena del Alcor, in Espartinas, Olivares, Jaén, and Vienna, Austria.

Along with his many projects at hand, Ventura is currently studying Art History at the University of Seville.

Últimas Novedades

Terracota policromada. Granada, 2006.

Imagen de la Virgen, talla en madera policromada para vestir, año 2018.

Ventura Gómez Rodríguez.


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